

マイクロンでは、「イノベーションのあくなき追及」のために努力を重ね、テクノロジーにインスピレーションを与え、変革をもたらすソリューションを構築しています。 ぜひ、マイクロンであなたのキャリアを発見してください



Guest Lecture- BITS Hyderabad



Our TMs will be partnering with BITS Hyderabad college for guest lecture sessions on VLSI design

Guest Lecture- IIT Hyderabad



Our TMs will be partnering with IITH college for guest lecture sessions on VLSI and Neuromorphic design

Politecnico di Milano: Cybersecurity Academy 2023



Orientation training that aimed at enabling students to address issues related to cyber security and ethical hacking, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Technical experts from several companies will showcase concrete applications and propose challenges to the students. target attendees: 30 master's students from Computer Engineering, Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance, Telecommunications Engineering, Mathematical Engineering, and Physical Engineering. Companies will have the opportunity to interview participants for building pipeline

Penang Engineering, Tech & Semicon Career Fair 2025



The Penang Engineering, Tech & Semicon Career Fair 2025 is an exciting event aimed at connecting career-ready candidates with industry leaders in the tech, engineering, and semiconductor sectors. It offers a great opportunity for companies to enhance their brand visibility, expedite their hiring processes, and network with fellow industry leaders.

Talentbank Career Fair


2/22/2025 - 2/23/2025

The Talentbank Career Fair 2025 is set to be an exceptional event, building on the success of previous years. Scheduled for February 22-23, 2025, at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, this career fair aims to connect job seekers with top employers across various industries.

UOW KDU Career Fair


3/5/2025 - 3/6/2025

UOW KDU Career Fair: Designed to connect students and recent graduates with top employers across various industries. Scheduled for March 5-6, 2025, the fair will take place at both the George Town and Batu Kawan campuses. Besides, it offers a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their brand, identify potential interns, and recruit fresh talent who could become future contributors to their teams

UTAR Career Day



UTAR Career Day will take place on March 12, 2025, at the UTAR Sungai Long campus. The event provides students with the opportunity to learn about Micron and gain an understanding of the current technology world.

USM Career Fair


4/23/2025 - 4/24/2025

USM Career Fair: Designed to connect students and recent graduates with leading employers in various industries. Besides, USM is one of the best universities in Malaysia with a high quality of students that meet Micron needs. It is also a good platform to showcase our brand visibility among the students.

GRADUAN Aspire Career Fair​


5/24/2025 - 5/25/2025

GRADUAN Aspire Career Fair is one of the biggest career fairs in Malaysia. The event is expected to attract approximately 20,000 participants, most of whom will be students and NCGs. Additionally, there will definitely be some experienced workers attending as well.



8/9/2025 - 8/10/2025

The MCASF is one of the biggest career fairs in the Central region of Malaysia, targeting talent from all around the country. This well-known and well-organized event attracts a large number of students from partner universities, NCGs, and experienced workers. It provides an excellent platform to improve our brand visibility in Central Malaysia.

SheTech - Free Women in STEM

United States


SheTech is Women Innovators’ FREE one-day STEM career discovery convention for high school aged girls! Students will be encouraged and inspired to break barriers with the guidance of local STEM professionals through interactive workshops and opportunities to meet with higher-ed and industry at TechZone.

Career Presentation

United States


Career Presentation for Sage Valley Middle School, speaking to students about Career Pathing. 

Timberline High School: STEM Fair

United States


Timberline High Schools STEM Fair where students will come to the STEM Fair with their Science class so you should expect to see about 1,000 students throughout the day. 

i2i Future Ready Conference

United States


A career expo event for high school students Prepare the future workforce!

Caldwell High School Career Fair

United States


Caldwell High School is also inviting Canyon Springs High School and Syringa Middle school to the career fair. Students will have the opportunity to speak to industry professionals who can give them REAL insight to not only "a day in the life of" but a quick explanation on the education, skills, and training needed to work in their field and for their company. 

Filer High School Career Fair

United States


Filer High School Career Fair: Students will have the opportunity to speak to industry professionals who can give them REAL insight to not only "a day in the life of" but a quick explanation on the education, skills, and training needed to work in their field and for their company. 

Lewiston High School Career Fair

United States


Lewiston High School: Students will have the opportunity to speak to industry professionals who can give them REAL insight to not only "a day in the life of" but a quick explanation on the education, skills, and training needed to work in their field and for their company. 

Bonners Ferry High School: Info Session

United States


Bonners Ferry high School: Info Session for high school students about Micron and career pathing for the Technician role by going to NIC for the Mechatronics Program. 

Lakeland High School: Info Session

United States


Lakeland High School: Info Session for high school students about Micron and career pathing for the Technician role by going to NIC for the Mechatronics Program.

Tech Expo 2025

United States


ISU: Tech Expo opens its doors to high schools and junior high schools across the state, inviting their students to embark on a journey of discovery. They will have the chance to explore the myriad educational and career possibilities that Idaho State University offers. This event is designed to be hands-on and interactive. From state-of-the-art exhibits to dynamic presentations, the Tech Expo will engage and captivate participants of all ages.

Welcome Marsing Onsite Visit!

United States


Marsing High School: School Counselor Jacob is bringing a group of students to learn about Micron where they will get a presentation on About Micron and take a tour of our Fab 4 Tour Hall. 

Twin Falls High School: Info Session

United States


Twin Falls High School: Info Session for high schol students about Micron and career pathing opportunities for going to CSI for our technician roles. 

Saunders Middle School : Career Talks

United States


The Career Investigations team at Saunders Middle School will be allowing Micron to talk about what we do and the opportunits that exist int he semiconductory inductry.

Eastern Idaho TECH Expo - Idaho Falls

United States


It’s a journey into the future of technology. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the latest technological advancements and trends. Whether you’re a professional, entrepreneur, or enthusiast, the expo offers invaluable experiences.

The Eastern Idaho TECH Expo is free and open to the public (from 3-6pm), providing a unique opportunity to explore the region's growing technology expertise.

Attendees will have the chance to interact with cutting-edge companies, witness innovative demonstrations, and engage with industry leaders. This event serves as a vibrant showcase of Eastern Idaho's advancements in technology, offering valuable insights and connections for all who attend.

PWCPS Employment & Summer Job Fair

United States


The employment and summer job fair gives students the opportunity to learn more about a variety of career pathways and summer employment opportunities.

SemiExpo Heartland

United States


The brand new SEMIEXPO Heartland event is just around the corner and it's your chance to be a part of something groundbreaking! Join us to be at the forefront of the latest trends, innovations, and developments in Smart Manufacturing and Smart Mobility. 

SEMIEXPO Heartland will bring these two key markets together and provide an opportunity for collaboration and growth as they are crucial in driving the semiconductor revenue to $1T. With a significant amount of both markets concentrated in the Midwestern United States, this new event will take place in the Heartland at the Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN. 

Big Bend Community College Career Fair

United States


Job & Career Fair is partnering with Big Bend Community College, WorkSource, Washington State Department of services for the Blind, SkillSource, DSHS/DVR, Job Corps, and OIC of Washington. Students will need to come prepared with updated resumes, dress to impress, and network with industry. 

MHHS Career Fair

United States


Mountain Home High School: Students will have the opportunity to speak to industry professionals who can give them REAL insight to not only "a day in the life of" but a quick explanation on the education, skills, and training needed to work in their field and for their company.

NPHS 2025 PWR Fair

United States


New Plymouth High School: Students will have the opportunity to speak to industry professionals who can give them REAL insight to not only "a day in the life of" but a quick explanation on the education, skills, and training needed to work in their field and for their company. 

KTEC: Career Fair

United States


KTEC : Students will have the opportunity to speak to industry professionals who can give them REAL insight to not only "a day in the life of" but a quick explanation on the education, skills, and training needed to work in their field and for their company.

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - Foreigner Career Fair



Micron HR will be on campus to be consulted on our positions and company. Students are also welcome to submit resume during the event.



Group of 3 people looking at the paper




Group of 3 people looking at the paper





Women looks up in the sky



Groupd of people sitting around the desk with laptop infront


MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.のポリシーでは、人種、肌の色、宗教、性別、性的指向、性自認、国籍、または、障がい者、障がいのある退役軍人、従軍記章退役軍人、最近退役した退役軍人、現役の戦時・軍事作戦記章退役軍人(以下「保護退役軍人」といいます)であることを理由に従業員または求職者を差別しません。また、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.は、障がい者や保護退役軍人などであるかどうかにかかわらず、すべての人の雇用・昇進について差別是正措置を遵守することをポリシーとして掲げており、雇用に関する決定事項はすべて、正当な職務要件のみに基づいて行われます。本ポリシーは、募集、採用、昇格、昇進、異動、降格、一時解雇、更迭、解雇、給与またはその他の報酬の金額、および見習いを含む研修の選考など、雇用に関するあらゆる内容に適用されるものとしますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。さらにマイクロンは、応募者や従業員が障がいを理由として居住施設を希望する場合、条件を満たしている限り、法律の定めに従って合理的な居住施設を手配します。

MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.は、従業員や応募者が障がい者や保護退役軍人であることを理由としてハラスメント行為を行うことを禁止しています。さらに、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.は、障がい者および保護退役軍人の雇用機会均等を定める連邦、州、または地域の雇用機会均等(EEO)法に基づき、従業員および応募者が差別的行為や慣行に対して苦情を申し立てる際、または審査や調査や審問について支援・参加する際、または法的権利を得ようとする際に、そうした従業員および応募者に対して報復を行うことも禁止しています。禁止される報復行為には、ハラスメント、脅迫、脅し、強制のほか、権利の主張をしないよう働きかけるといった敵対的な行為が含まれますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。

私、サンジェイ・メロートラは、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.の社長兼CEOとして、差別是正措置と雇用機会均等の原則を真摯に遵守しています。雇用機会均等と差別是正措置をマイクロンにおけるすべての職位に普及し、実施するため、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.の従業員関係・雇用機会均等担当北米ディレクターとしてジェニファー・リーヒーを任命しました。従業員関係・雇用機会均等の北米担当ディレクターの職務のひとつとして、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.のプログラムの実施状況を効果的に測定できるよう、内部監査および報告システムを確立し、維持することが挙げられます。

差別是正措置および雇用機会均等に関するMICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.のポリシーでは、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.は、文書化した差別是正措置プログラム(AAP)を策定し、このプログラムでは、MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.での雇用資格を満たす障がい者や保護退役軍人への差別禁止と差別是正措置を実践するためのポリシー、慣行、手続きを規定しています。このAAPは、従業員や採用応募者の要望に応じて、現地時間の月曜日から金曜日の午前8時から午後5時までの間、ピープル・オーガニゼーション・オフィスで閲覧することができます。ご質問は、私、あなたの上司、または従業員関係・雇用機会均等担当北米ディレクターのジェニファー・リーヒーまでお願いします。